Monday, April 11, 2016

Types of Surgery for Acid Reflux

Types of Surgery for Acid Reflux

No matter how careful a person is with their lifestyle, they may still be suffering from acid reflux. It may be so severe that they aren’t able to get a good night of sleep. It can also come on during the day preventing a person from being able to complete ordinary tasks. As a result they may eat as little as possible to get through their day. That can result in malnourishment and even more health concerns.

Sometimes surgery is the only choice left to explore in order to combat acid reflux once and for all. Medical professionals won’t recommend it unless they have tried everything else without success. That is because there are risks involved with any type of surgery. They don’t want to place a patient under the knife unless it is the only alternative left for them to explore.

The two main types of surgery for acid reflux are fundoplication and radiofrequency. Fundoplication surgery for acid reflux has been around for a very long time. This procedure involves taking the upper part of the stomach and then sewing it to the bottom portion of the esophagus. A tunnel is made so that a portion of the esophagus can pass through to the stomach muscle.

As a result of the Fundoplication surgery a person will stop suffering from acid reflux. At the same time the valve from the esophagus to the stomach will get stronger. As a result the body is able to take care of the acid it produces naturally without it moving from the stomach to the esophagus. 

Depending on how severe the acid reflux is, the way in which the incision is made will vary. Generally an incision is made in the abdomen and a tube is placed into it. This process takes a couple of hours to complete. The patient will be able to make a full recovery within a week. 

For the more severe cases an incision has to be made in the chest area. Due to the risk of an infection most patients have to remain in the hospital for a week or two after it is done for observation. This procedure has to be done when the esophagus is inflamed due to the swelling.

Radiofrequency surgery is newer but many medical professionals are offering it. That is because this form of surgery for acid reflux is less invasive. In fact, patients can be released to go home the same day they have it rather than spending several days in the hospital. This process involves creating thermal lesions at the bottom of the esophagus and the top of the stomach. 

As a result there is less acid able to move from the stomach to the esophagus. This type of surgery also helps to strengthen a weak esophagus. This is accomplished by making the muscles in there thicker than before. As a result there is less pressure against the esophagus to open up. 

Since there is less of a risk with this form of acid reflux surgery, it is starting to be used for those that may be getting benefits from prescription medications. There can be side effects of those medications though that the patient doesn’t want to deal with on a regular basis. If they have to take medications for other types of medical concerns it can render them less effective as well. Therefore acid reflux surgery may be a good idea to allow them relieve and to ensure they can get the results from medications for their other health concerns. 

Individuals that have undergone surgery for acid reflux have to be committed to eating a well balanced diet afterwards. This includes limiting fatty foods, chocolate, and citrus fruits. The results from such surgery will vary as well. Some individuals never suffer from acid reflux again while others do on occasion. However, those that do continue to suffer from it find that they symptoms aren’t nearly as severe as they once were. 

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