Friday, February 26, 2016

Help Staying Cutting Edge

Help Staying Cutting Edge

For many modern businesses, staying on the cutting edge of technology is important.  This is particularly true if your business is heavily supported by your internet presence and generating traffic to your web site as well and the revenue you get from that site.  The pace of change in the world of technology is amazing and when it comes to the internet, change is virtually nonstop.

To try to keep up with that rapid advancement of technical innovation can be a major cost for any business.  If your business is centered on programming and technical development, then it makes sense to keep your employees constantly in training and dedicate much of their time to staying current.  But for many businesses, their core reason for being in business is not all about technology.  For the majority of businesses, the products or services that they offer to their customers are supported by technology and even facilitated by technology but the IT department is a support function of the business, not the other way around.

But by enlisting the aid of a software development outsourcing company, you can keep on call a group of people who will stay cutting edge and be able to keep your company moving forward as well.  This is a different kind of software development outsourcing than using contractors to finish up the coding of your most recent upgrade to the accounts payable system.  By turning to organizations who are dedicated to staying on top of the fastest breaking trends in IT networking, internet technologies and other technological advances, you can make a plan to routinely conduct technology reviews with your trusted advisors to see how you will keep your company plugged in and up to date.

Moving forward in terms of development tools is a big challenge for any company.  While not that long ago if your IT people knew COBOL and a bit of C++, you are good to go for any kind of technical challenge.  And while the languages are enduring, you have access to development people who are skilled in modern development toolsets such as “Dot Net”, Java and other internet driven development languages.  

For one thing, if you use the web extensively, you will need to build interfaces between older “legacy” systems and your modern data base management systems and the internet front end to your users.  By building a strong partnership between your in house staff and your contractor team, you can have them in a constant process of review and upgrading the interface protocols so the data flow from up to date internet customer interface systems work well with older technologies that feed data to the front end and manage the tracking and accounting for the business done online.

Outsourcing your company’s mission of staying current takes much of the cost and effort off of you to be constantly one step ahead of the technological world.  You can bring in your contract advisors to keep you and your technical team leaders up to date on what is hot right now and what can be expected around the corner and together plans can be made to merge the old and new technologies and to upgrade staff knowledge in a systematic way that can be budgeted for well in advance.

Your employees are not likely to resent outsourcing market knowledge of technical changes because it takes much of that burden off of them.  The task of keeping your corporate IT infrastructure running smoothly is an important function IT does for the business.  So if IT can also look to the advice and guidance of contract labor to know what changes to begin planning for to keep the company “cutting edge”, that is a good division of labor.

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