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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Changing Schools from Your Child’s Perspective

There is one thing that is a bit strange about the process we, go through to pick the right school for our children. Parents often develop a very systematic evaluation system for picking a school which weighs the academic resources of the school, the abilities of the teachers, the schools physical plant and how classes are organized. Often the schools “mission statement” is taken into account on the theory that if the school was founded...

Monday, April 11, 2016

Types of Surgery for Acid Reflux

No matter how careful a person is with their lifestyle, they may still be suffering from acid reflux. It may be so severe that they aren’t able to get a good night of sleep. It can also come on during the day preventing a person from being able to complete ordinary tasks. As a result they may eat as little as possible to get through their day. That can result in malnourishment and even more health concerns. Sometimes surgery is the only...